Calgary Expo 2012 has left the building!

Thanks a ton to everyone that came out to say hi at the 2012 Calgary Expo! Also a great big thanks to the indispensable “Dr. Bill” for helping me out at the booth!

I had a really great time! It was incredible meeting so many of you and I have to say my fans are a pretty awesome set of folks, and I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by, pick up the books and all of the kind words (albeit a bit overwhelming on that last one :)).

Me, my shark hat, and the booth…

Me on the left and an “i heart dorkboy” t-shirt in action on the right…

Also, you completely cleaned me out of my new book “Well..This is Awkward”!! (but there are more on – I really hope you all enjoy it.


hi folks,

first off, apologies for the lack of comic updates…I have been a little bit sick, a little bit busy with work, and in my healthy free time (when I should have been updating comics on the site)…working on a brand new BOOK!!

“Well…this is awkward” is a brand new FULL COLOUR 66 page book collecting copious amounts of my watercolour paintings and comics that I will be debuting at the Calgary Comic Expo April 27-29, 2012!!(I will be at booth 1224)

It will also be available on Amazon like my last one, but of course is much better when you get it in person at the Expo 🙂

New paintings and sketches from Galiano Island, B.C

So we went on a little road trip to the west coast last weekend, and here’s what happened…..

“Oh Great, another painting of a fruit bowl”

Galiano, Island sketches

And a pretty awesome painting by my wife!

Also, I signed up for the 2012 Sketchbook Project!! I am pretty excited to be a part of it, my theme is “In fifty years”. I will be posting my sketches as I go – read more here.

Changing Tides watercolour, new sketch, and new BOOK!! (coming soon)

What’s with the no comics lately damian?

new book
Well it has been pretty busy lately…I am putting together a new FULL COLOUR 64 page dorkboy comics book containing selected Skully, Kernel Corn and Sketchbook Comics!

Due for release at the Calgary Expo in June!
I received a proof copy in the mail the other day, and it is looking good, just a few more things to tighten up and more details will be released on that soon enough my pretties!

new sketch
Also, I have been busy with work, and was a-traveling to Germany, Sweden and England last week…

new watercolour
…and I finished up a new watercolour also! Available as part of the donate for art to help Japan!

Inks: Pentel brushpen
Watercolors: Alashiya watercolors

Comics will resume soon!! I promise!!!