my new book!! dorkboy: 1995-2015 two dorkades and counting

Hi everyone!

Sorry the site has been so quiet lately, but I have been working on my BIGGEST project ever!!

I just finished my new 20 year retrospective book, and will release it at the upcoming Calgary Expo in mid April!

The book is over 400 pages, and includes my entire mini comic library from start to finish with commentary and “behind the scenes” stories to help narrate my progression and adventures with almost making a tv show, getting semi published and writing an opera with Shannon Wheeler, as well as other out of print and never before published comics, sketches, and a bunch of guest sketches from folks that were in and around the comic community in my early days!


Stay tuned for more info about this and the Calgary Expo!

seeya soon,

2 thoughts on “my new book!! dorkboy: 1995-2015 two dorkades and counting

  1. Good luck with it Damien

    1. Thanks very much Tony! It took a while to get it done, but glad I did it 🙂

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