more mobile sketchin’…

hey kids,

more sketches on the ipod touch using Autodesk’s new Sketchbook Mobile and Brushes!

made with Sketchbok Mobile…

Impromptu sketches made with Brushes and help from random ideas from Twitter friends….

I’m back!…er sort of.

Hi all,

I am back from Japan, but now in California on a work trip for a week. Sorry for the lack of comic updates, but they will continue again as soon as possible.

In the meantime here are some sketches I made on my ipod with the Brushes app while in Japan chronicling some highlights of our journeys!

The Peazilla painting was made on the train in Japan on the way to Tokyo. Here’s a video replay of the creation:

seeya soon!

3D Skully!

So Autodesk picked up a program called Mudbox not all that long ago that allows you to basically sculpt and 3d model with more of a natural clay modeling/brush based approach which is great for us artist types who understand this far easier than the poly-nurb-a-vertice-mesh-a-face-a-something-something approach that most 3d programs use.

That being said, I’m still learning the ropes, and not a wizard by any means, but I managed to pull off a fairly successful Skully head…disembodied, but it’s a start. 🙂



still trying to fit in attempts at digital painting…be patient with me, they’re bound to get better sooner or later 🙂


hello everyone!


I was away in Las Vegas last week for a convention for work.  I meant to post this before, but here’s a cartoon I did for some of the t-shirts we gave away at the convention…..just imagine there are thousands of these floating around out there now!!



now to get back to making comics for all of you!!



where the heck is damian??

hey kids, sorry the comic schedule has slowed to a backwards crawl.  Things are pretty crazy right now…I’m touring my inlaws across the Alberta landscape and preparing to get remarried in just a couple days. Things will return to normal…er…well you know….. soon 😉




putting the pain back in painting…

I am constantly in awe of all of the digital painting artists out there. I find it completely amazing that people are able to produce some of the works that they do…it truly boggles my mind. for example…

I painted for a few short years with acrylics about 10 years ago, but have been doing comics since then almost entirely….my mind is definitely in a “lineart” mode at this point as I’m not used to producing images by pushing colours around too often.  However I am really wanting to try and find some extra time and build up some sort of skill at digital painting. Of course this means practice, practice,  practice…not sure how successful it will be, but I am hoping to get better at it.  Here’s this weekend’s attempt….it’s a dog on a  flying dog biscuit sort of contraption….don’t ask, it was late. 😉


Photoshop CS3

I’m a Sketchin’ Jones!

hey kids,

well, now that [website no longer exists 🙁 ] is live, it’s hard to stop drawing!!

“mad dog”





ghost writer….

hey kids, I have a few new sketches posted over at [website no longer exists 🙁 ]