Check…1…2…3….. is this thing on?

Hi folks,

There haven’t been any updates for a little bit as I have been overly swamped with real life duties, AND getting not one but TWO new books put together in time for the coming Calgary Expo (no, i’m not done yet…cross your fingers for me).

Speaking of Calgary Expo here is some info for you!
Important things to know about the upcoming Calgary Expo:

1. It is for 3 days at the end of April.

2. I will be there (sorry). (‘dorkboy comics’)

3. I am hoping GOING to have two new books:
(1) Kernel Corn & Peater the Black Eyed Pea collection

Here’s a sneak peak of part of the cover…..
(2) a followup to ‘well, this is awkward’ collecting sketches, paintings comics etc

4. I am planning on not sleeping. (See item )

5. I will make prints again, so if there are any specific drawings of mine you like and want in print form let me know and I will do my best to make them. They will be charming prints…or is that the other way around?

6. Bring a stick to poke me if I look sleepy/ am asleep.

7. This isn’t the zoo, DO feed the cartoonists.

8. I will try and update details again before the show, but back to posting drawings until then.

Looking forward to seeing all of you again!

So yeah, I WILL be there, and will post more info as it gets closer…until then back to working on books, and do check out a bunch of drawings I have been making posted up on flickr….

Your buddy,

3 thoughts on “Check…1…2…3….. is this thing on?

  1. Yes. I will make sure someone brings you some nice tasty meat on a stick. Or maybe some jalapeno cheddar moose smokies.

    1. I was kind of hoping for a veggie kabob….maybe I can sell or trade the moosemeat on the comic black market….

  2. You must really hate veggies to stab them through with bamboo skewers, burn them over a fire, and probably pour salt over their wounds.

    Speaking of legumes, check out this article –

    Scroll down for spidey.

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