testing…calling all cars!!

Hey kids,

sorry no comic this week, things have been crazy busy, BUT i did manage to finally upgrade ComicPress to the latest version so I have some slick looking archives WITH mini comic previews (click on the ‘comics by title’ off to the right…I will be working on the overall comics archive page asap) as well as a much better search box that will show you comic previews also, plus I can post multiple blog posts on the front page to keep you all updated between comics, post sketches, etc, etc. Go tell Tyler Martin he is the awesomest.


One thought on “testing…calling all cars!!

  1. I liked the first two ,but the last one about the cow,was so NOT GOOD
    just think if kids was reading this,not cool man.and it didnt really make since,but I like the rest of your toons ,and how you have drawn them.
    best regards

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